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Slovenian Schools

The St. Vitus Child Slovenian Language School

(Cleveland, OH)

For children from kindergarten through 8th grade will begin on Saturday, September 15th. 

Registration begins at 9:00 AM followed by class.  Any students interested in learning about the language, customs and heritage of Slovenia are welcome to attend.  Prior knowledge of the Slovenian language is not necessary.

Slovenska šola pri Marije Vnebovzete prične svoj pouk v soboto 15. septembra ob 9:00 uri zjutraj.  Šola je z otroci od vrtca do 8. razreda.  Vsi zainteresirani učenci vabljeni.

The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian Language School

(Cleveland, OH)

The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian classes began on September 13, 2008 at St.Martin de
Porres High School (formerly St. Vitus School), 6104 Lausche Ave., twice monthly from
9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Classes are for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students.
Textbooks are from Slovenia.

Please contact Lillian Centa at 216-289-7253 or Majda Zorman at 440-255-1178 for
more information.

Slovenska Šola za Odrasle pri Sv. Vidu je zacela v soboto 13 septembra. Pouki so ob sobotah od 9:15 do 11C30 zjutraj. Za informacijo poklicite 216-289-7253 ali 440-255-1178.

Lillian Centa, Principal

St. Mary Slovenian Language School

(Cleveland, OH)

For children from kindergarten through 8th grade will begin on Saturday, September 15th. 

Registration begins at 9:00 AM followed by class.  Any students interested in learning about the language, customs and heritage of Slovenia are welcome to attend.  Prior knowledge of the Slovenian language is not necessary.

Slovenska šola pri Marije Vnebovzete prične svoj pouk v soboto 15. septembra ob 9:00 uri zjutraj.  Šola je z otroci od vrtca do 8. razreda.  Vsi zainteresirani učenci vabljeni.

Slomsek Slovenian School

(Lemont, IL)

The Slovenian Catholic Center would like to extend an invitation to all students and adults to participate in the Slomsek Slovenian School. Classes will begin on Saturday, October 6, 2007 and will continue through Saturday, May 11, 2008. The sessions are held from 10 AM - 1 PM

Registration fees are as follows.

SCC Members: $20/semester or $40/school year

Nonmembers: $40/semester or $80/school year

For those in need of financial assistance, registration fees will be waived - please contact Dana Blase. 

(Semester I = October through December & Semester II - January through May)

Registration is currently taking place. Forms may be completed and mailed to the Slovenian Catholic Center

Go direct to the Registration Form

For more information regarding the School, please send us an e-mail at
secretary@slovenian-center.org or leave a message for Dana Blase at 630-243-0670

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